视频演示: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzgxMjU0ODg=.html
Rinkey Dinky
In the past Ring Flight required a bulky and unusual looking key case....but the people at Hot Trix have changed all that!
RINKEY DINKY is shaped, and meant to look like a real key, you can carry it with your normal keys. The secret mechanism inside will make any borrowed ring vanish at your finger tips and then attach it to your key ring. Absolutely undetectable and fully automatic. Swiss precision at your service. Here's a few points to remember...
- The hook up is simple and natural - The gimmick holds and pulls even over-sized rings - It has a 60 cm action range and is lockable - The spectator can remove the ring - Works with virtually any pocket - No jacket required - No bulky key cases, just your own keys
Finally, you're always set for an absolute mind blower!
You won't leave home without Rinkey Dinky...after all, your keys are attached to it.
Demo: https://youtu.be/6dTtEHdT0nk