节奏精灵(Tempo Elf)
而悉数无数已经被魔术师完成的超能力效果之下,有这么一个效果每一个魔术师在学习魔术最初的阶段,都会对同一个魔术效果充满着无限的憧憬——levitation (漂浮)。
而漂浮最主要的东西莫过于Invisible Thread隐线,可以这么说隐线的可能性实在是太多了,用隐线完成的效果也数不胜数:漂浮纸牌,漂浮钞票,香烟移动,戒指跳动,跳跃的丝巾等等。
Tempo Elf节奏精灵参考了各种版本的优缺点,在历经超过一年多的不断尝试下,将电机缩小再缩小,将整个体积缩小至可以放置一个常规饮料的瓶盖当中。
现在你都可以用Tempo Elf节奏精灵来完成了。
*日常适配性: 无论是尺寸的设计上还是整体门子采用全透明外壳以及内置的磁铁设计都可以适配于任何环境下的表演,通过磁铁也可以固定于任意位置,也就说明可以让Tempo Elf节奏精灵不仅隐藏于瓶盖当中,也可将本体吸附在任何地方从容表演单线效果。
*静音电机: Tempo Elf节奏精灵采用特制空心杯电机运作,追求的不仅仅是"安静",而是完全"静音",当门子触发时,你不会听到任何声音!
*超迷你尺寸: 长高宽约18MM*18MM的圆形尺寸,尺寸上让他可以游刃有余的隐藏在任何地方,甚至是瓶盖当中。
*双模式触发: 遥控隐线装置少不了的就是遥控的部分了,整个遥控器采用符合人体工程学的设计更小更容易隐藏,电机采用双编程控 制,内含节奏模式&力量模式可选。
*续航: 尽管整体的体积已经被缩小的如此之小了,内置电池使得整体待机时间长达40分钟,连续遥控使用可长达20分钟,C口的设计也使得随时随地可进行充能,保证每次表演都是动力满满。
*遥控距离: 关于电子遥控的魔术道具,想必大家最关注的肯定就是遥控距离了,经官方实测距离3米到5米之间。
*不易断线&特制线轴设计: 线轮的设计以及细节的处理,让它比传统隐线轮减少了90%的断线可能。 关于隐线的东西,想必大家最怕的就是卡线或者断线的情况了,Tempo Elf节奏精灵使用了全新的线轴设计以及内置特制配件可以在断线或者卡线的时候完成快速恢复。
Tempo Elf by Mental Tom
With Tempo Elf's single-thread motorized ITR system, you can effortlessly execute a variety of effects, including flipping book pages, moving cigarettes, manipulating and levitating small objects, rising cards, dancing scarves, and invisible touches. FEATURES Adaptability for everyday use: The miniature size and built-in magnet allow for secure attachment to any performance surface, facilitating seamless execution of single-IT effects. Quiet motor: Tempo Elf features a specially designed hollow cup motor for complete silence when triggered. Covert design: The motor remains undetectable even when hidden inside a bottle cap placed on a spectator's hand, ensuring no vibration is felt. Ultra-compact size: Measuring approximately 18mm x 18mm, Tempo Elf can be easily hidden in various places, including a bottle cap. Dual Mode Trigger: The ergonomic remote control features dual programming, offering both rhythm and power modes for motor control. Battery Life and Convenient Charging: Despite its small size, the built-in battery provides up to 40 minutes of standby time and up to 20 minutes of continuous remote use. A USB Type-C port allows for convenient charging before every performance. Remote control distance up to 5 meters: Official tests confirm a remote control distance of 3 to 5 meters. Durable Thread Reel: Tempo Elf's ITR has been meticulously designed to reduce the likelihood of thread breakage by 90% compared to traditional ITRs. Specially designed accessories allow for quick recovery in case of thread breakage or tangling. With its compact size and reliable performance, the Tempo Elf offers unparalleled portability and is the ideal choice for on-the-go performances. Unleash your creative inspiration anytime, anywhere with Tempo Elf. Includes
The Tempo Elf prop A remote control A charging cable Accessories used for: Attaching the prop and remote control Repairing the spool Changing the remote control battery
DEMO: https://youtu.be/4QSlE5Vk2PE