魔术师把一支普通的签字笔交给观众检查笔后,在借来的钞票上, 当着观众的面,把检查过的那支笔,狠狠插入到钞票的中间,笔完全是刺穿了钞票。 然后用力拉出来。钱竟然毫发无损! 笔再可以重新交给观众检查。令人赞叹的魔术。
Perfect Penetration (8mm)
Effect : You borrow any money note from a spectator, and give them a pen to mark it with. You then take the pen and stab it right through the middle of the note! The pen is then ripped out, but leaves the note completely intact! Everything is then passed out for examination!
Description : A classic effect that is easy to perform. Comes complete with specially gimmicked pen and full photo instructions.
Difficulty level : 2 1 (Easy/Self-Working) - 5 (Advanced) 备注说明视频演示1![](images/wm.gif) 宽带用户视频演示2![](images/wm.gif) 拨号用户视频演示2![](images/wm.gif)