魔术表演效果: 魔术师请观众从印有九张不同点数与花色扑克牌图案的卡片上选出最爱的一张,不用说出来;魔术师仅需施展心灵感应,便能准确猜出观众心中所想的那张牌。 产品特点: 1、 传说中的读心术,听起来很玄乎,当亲眼见证,惊人程度足以令人毛骨悚然!!! 2、 简单易学,妙趣横生,效果神奇,且适合各个年龄段的人使用
全套道具包括: 感应扑克一套+视频教学
Induction Cards (Blue)
Do you want to "show off" in front of TV?
You want a girlfriend or a crush on the person's parry her admiration for you it? You want to be a party or parry the focus? You want to know the mysteries of magic it? Performing Magic: You can easily get to a party's performance, and we sell not only a prop, to be exact is a way. After you learn, even without the props, but also be comfortable with other props. From then on, you will be all in the eyes of the "spotlight. "
Effect: The magician can tell you what card you are interested in your mind about its color and points with his technique of "heart induction".
Includes one card printed with 9 different kinks of poke patterns and 10 pieces of poke with hole.
Demo: https://youtu.be/yf4io0gwvz8