Martin Lewis曾经说过他一直想要一款近景版的画纸升牌,但因为材料问题一直停滞不前,直至最近因材料技术的升级才使它成为实现的可能!Martin Lewis的标准非常简单,可以非常舒适方便的放在口袋的本子,而且可以围观,是一体化的,可快速重置,蕞重要就是看起来就是不可能的! 近景版的画纸升牌的到来,代表着Martin Lewis将他的经典画纸升牌升级了!虽然效果跟舞台版的一样,但是它是专门为近景而设计的,观众选的牌从魔术师画的一副牌里面升起来,蕞后还可以撕下来送给观众作为留念。 道具特点 · 全新的方法,经典效果 · 快速重置,可重复表演 · 效果直观,观众能看见图画慢慢上升 · 尺寸:8.3cm*14.5cm,方便随身携带 产品包含:特制小画本+30张画纸(方块7)+白板笔+视频视频
Close-up Cardiographic (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Martin Lewis
"I have always wanted to present a close-up version of Cardiographic but have been unable to create my dream pad until recent advances in material technology made it possible. "My criteria was simple, I wanted a pad that would comfortably fit in my pocket. That could be done surrounded under the closest scrutiny. It had to be self-contained and needed a fast reset for strolling, and most important of all, it had to look impossible." - MARTIN LEWIS
With Close-up Cardiographic, Martin has taken his classic sketchpad Rising Card to the next level. The effect is the same as Cardiographic, but built for close-up performances; a drawing of a selected card rises from a drawing of a deck of cards. The resulting impossible object is handed out as a souvenir.
The brand new super-clean method is self-contained and angle-proof. The audience sees you draw on the pad prior to the card rising. Fast reset for restaurant or strolling. Built to last. Includes 30 giveaway pages.
DEMO: https://youtu.be/jTfneJ8wC7c