Thin Air 空气丝巾
如何快速、简单地做出出现、消失、变换等效果?Ignacio Lopez和Vanishing Inc.联合推出的这款Thin Air会告诉你答案。 它看起来就只是一块普通的布,你可以把它放入口袋随身携带。如果你想展示和扑克、名片、纸条、彩票、照片等物品有关的效果,比如出现、消失、交换等,那么使用这款Thin Air将会是一个简单、实用的方法。
Thin Air在Magifest上首次亮相时就被抢购一空。而现在,这款产品已在全球范围内正式发售。
你可以用Thin Air做到很多效果,下面是一小部分示例:
· 出现一副完整的扑克。你可以将这招作为扑克魔术的开场;
· 也可以出币,作为硬币魔术的开场;
· 交换纸条或彩票等纸制品,可以用来做一个简单的强选;
· 一个简单、干净的钞票序列号预言;
· 签名牌的撕裂与还原。
Thin Air简单易用,可开箱即用。产品里包含Thin Air本体与视频教学,教学里包含关于道具各个方面的说明,还有一个额外的流程教学。
Thin Air (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Ignacio Lopez
Quicky and easily produce, vanish or switch objects with this powerful utility device from Ignacio Lopez and Vanishing Inc.
Disguised as an innocent looking silk that you can carry in your pocket, Thin Air is one of the easiest and most practical ways to produce, switch or vanish, playing cards, business cards, billets, lottery tickets, photos, or any other similar object.
After completely selling out during its debut at Magifest, Thin Air is now available worldwide.
Here is a small sampling of things you can do with Thin Air: Produce a full decks of cards and go right into your card magic set Make coins impossibly appear prior to starting your favorite coin trick Switch billets or lottery tickets for the easiest force ever A super fair and simple serial number divination with a borrowed bill A signed torn and restored card Thin Air is so much more than a simple trick though. It's a tool that will help you unlock new levels of creativity.
This beautiful, premium quality silk is luxurious enough for a parlor magic performance, while also offering the durability and portability close-up magic demands.There's even added advantages for those who do seated performances.
Along with your experty-made Thin Air silk, you'll receive a full video tutorial that will teach you everything you need to know. It's super easy to use and you'll be ready to go out of the box. Each set also comes with a special bonus video highlighting a variety of other applications and access to the exclusive Thin Air Facebook group.
"This easy and very magical opener gets great reactions. In the right context, this is great, but remember that less is more! It’s great fun to practice with too, and I’m sure you’ll come up with many more uses for Thin Air. " -Real Magic Review, Reviewer
DEMO: https://youtu.be/8eFmIWvYjN0