Mr鸣的小中杯 Cups and Balls (Medium)
杯子和球(Cups & Balls)实在太经典了。没法再用过多的言语来修饰。它的流程千变万化,一只杯子、两只杯子、三只杯子都可以玩出不一样的感觉。
通过近些年的总结和整理从而延续第一版的小中杯理念。再一次推出了一款漂亮的专业三杯球,与之前同样的造型却有着更高的配置,融合了磁力杯(Chop Cup)功能,使你的表演流程更加丰富。整套道具造型古拙大方,材质选用了H62天然铜矿精炼黄铜,为亚洲手型量身打造的小中杯,不仅大小合适各种手法的操作而且方便携带。整个杯体是采用整条铜柱由精密车床加工而成,坚固耐用。三个杯实重达0.72公斤,几乎完美的碰撞声让每一次的触碰都是一场华丽体验。表面采用了持久耐用的拉丝工艺效果从此告别指纹收集器,同时搭配一套高档皮具小球,绝对是专业的专业套装!
小中杯的杯体较小易于操作,尤其是一些特殊手法和抛接时不易漏托,大杯由于杯口较大抛接时容易漏缝导致穿帮,携带方便不占空间远近适宜。 详细尺寸: 杯口直径6.6cm,杯身高6.5cm,每个铜杯约240g,小球直径2.2cm.
Cups and Balls (Medium) by Jimmy Fan
Cups & Balls is so classic. Magician makes the balls pass through the solid bottoms of the cups, jump from cup to cup, disappear from the cup and appear in other places, or vanish from various places and reappear under the cups.
Once again we launched a beautiful professional medium sized Cups and Balls, integrating the function of a Chop Cup to enrich your routine.
The cup is made of H62 refined brass with brushed finishing, which is sturdy and durable and no more fingerprints on it. The total weight of three cups is 0.72 kg that presents the perfect collision sound. In addition, with a set of high-quality leather balls, it is definitely a professional set!
This medium sized cup is easier to operate, especially for some special sleight of hand. It is not easy to leak the gimmick compared to the large mouthed cup.
Specifications: Weight 240g each. Mouth 6.6cm. Height 6.5cm.
Comes complete with: - 2 Brass Cups - 1 Magnetic Cup - 4 Red Leather Balls - 1 Red Magnetic Leather Ball - 1 Velvet Bag to carry the cups - Online Video Instruction
Not include the wand and three final load balls in the demo.