Triad Coins 三仙硬币(中国宫钱版)-摩根大小
如果你想了解什么是Triad Coins,请继续往下看,你会知晓它的全部内容
Triad Coins(三仙硬币)虽然有很长一段历史了,但它的理念仍然是新的
你是否妄想过真正凭空消失一枚硬币?Triad Coins就是你想要的效果!没有怪异的手法,没有浮夸的举动,包括视频片花都是完整的,从没有剪辑
Joshua Jay花了近十年时间研究、改进,最终创造出这套即优雅又视觉并极具欺骗性的流程!如果你看过Joshua Jay的讲座,你就会知道:这是他一直未公开的流程
如今Joshua Jay将这套视觉奇迹带给全球魔术爱好者们
产品包括: 全套中国宫钱硬币道具3枚+教学+精美包装
Triad Coins (Chinese Palace Coin) - Morgan Size
Imagine what it would look like if you could REALLY vanish coins into thin air. Then watch this trailer. THIS is how it would look. No funny moves. No fast motion. No camera edits. You roll back your sleeves. You show three coins. One by one, they just... disappear. Triad Coins is a revelation in coin magic.
Triad Coins is a double-shell and coin system that allows you to produce, vanish, or change three chinese coins at will. You can show BOTH hands entirely empty after the last vanish, and perform the effect in short sleeves. The result is an elegant, smooth, and extremely deceptive routine, possible ONLY with Triad Coins.
- Handling is easy - Each set is precision-made and made of brass, beautiful replica
Comes with the coin set and video instruction.
Demo: https://youtu.be/vyATAgoJ5e0