迷雾硬币组(行走女神版)Mist Coin Set by Jimmy Fan
接下来我来介绍一款新组合硬币《迷雾硬币组》这款产品几乎不用什么技巧就可以轻松迷惑观众的硬币矩阵程序。当然此程序利用了一些特制的硬币来辅助完成。适合中近距离表演,同时也让入门初学者上手更加轻松简单。当然也可以利用此硬币完成更多可能。 全套道具包含:特制行走女神美金五角两枚+普通行走女神美金五角三枚+硬币大师范镇鸣亲自教授的中文视频教学
Mist Coin Set by Jimmy Fan
The Matrix plays an important role in the coin magic. There have been countless versions of routines for hundreds of years. Each coin magician has his own style of performance, and there are many award-winning works. Now I will introduce a new combination coin set "Mist Coin Set", a coin matrix that can easily confuse the audience with almost no skills. Of course, this routine also uses some special coins. It is suitable for mid and close range, and it is easier for beginners to get started. You can also use this coin set to perform more routines.
Comes with three Walking Liberty Half Dollars, two special coins and video instruction.
Demo: https://youtu.be/VXp8mHOQeT4