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商品等级】精 品 商品型号 浏览次数】1777  
赠送】0 剩余数量】846  会员商品】是 产品折扣】100%
市场价格1,500.00 会员价格】900.00 马上节省】600.00 非会员价】1,500.00
















全套包括: 特制悬浮系统+布+视频教学

41*41*24 cm





Magellan Master Levitation

Imagine, the performer walking to the center of an empty stage, foyer or any open indoor area, hard floor OR carpeted.  He is effortlessly carrying a satin sheet.  He stands behind the sheet, while allowing the sheet's bottom edge to touch the floor.  He begins to rise upward, ascending, as if he's being lifted by an unseen force.  The performer rises slowly, not mechanically, but as if he were being filled with helium.  At the top of the rise, almost a foot and a half, he drops the cloth to expose the feet, dangling eerily in mid-air as if he were being hung or burned at the stake, in a position similar to what you would imagine seeing at a hanging or a witch hunt.  The audience gasps,  whether it is a group of laymen OR magicians.  This is something that they're just not used to seeing.  Video cannot do justice to what they're seeing.  The performer holds the cloth in both hands again, and he begins his descent, gently touching down.  He throws the cloth down and steps forward, clean and free to bow, thank, and effortlessly pick up the cloth and walk away.  The audience is always blown away by this piece of magic! Is this a stage illusion? Can it be done on carpet or uneven surfaces? Is it possible to do it in a banquet hall?  Can I perform this at a house party?  Is it a parlor effect?  Can it be viewed from a few yards away?  Are the angles workable?  Can I do it without helpers and assistants?  Are the setup and breakdown clean, without props left on stage?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!  Start working the higher visibility shows, no need to charge your clients for shipping, stop spending time assembling, unpacking and packing.  Make one trip to the performance, not several.  Stop carrying, loading and taking away boxes and supports, and start rising up from the obvious support, the ground!

It's the only in-your-face levitation that is memorable enough to surpass the effect of anything that you've ever presented.

Magellan Master Levitation, the ultimate in real world self levitation, without needing to wear fake body parts or gimmicks on your body. No excessive setup or contrived scenarios... 

The Magellan Master Levitation utilizes the revolutionary subtlety of its predecessor, the Magellan Witch Levitation, but with a totally different method of obscuring the workings.  The reactions of laymen to this piece are phenomenal!!!  This is a real world, workable evitation with the portability and simplicity that befits it's position at the top of the Magellan line of levitations.

Now, the Magellan Master Levitation can be performed alone, solo, OR as a two person effect similar to the original Magellan Witch, but much more compact, portable, deceptive and practical!

The main gimmick that accomplishes the levitation, like it's Magellan predecessors, has no threads, wires, hydraulics, linear actuators,pneumatics or electronics.  This is organic, hard hitting, audience pleasing concept, brought to life!

Every angle, dimension, cut and hole serves a purpose.  There are no wasted curves or material in this piece.  It has been meticulously tested and fine-tuned to become the miracle that it is.

You don't own a prop that utilizes the genius, subtlety and sheer diabolically organic design that this does.

Don't confuse this with anything else offered on the market.  The Magellan Master Levitation is very angle friendly, even when compared to almost all non-rising suspensions, and, yet, it's an advanced self levitation!

Improved elements include a new, retractable lift system, less strenuous physical requirements, less flex in the gimmick and the ability to use this on carpeting.

The Magellan Master Levitation, includes the Magellan gimmick with built-in cheat step, transport system, the correct cloth for  optimal effect, and instructional video.


"The highlight of the whole World Magic Seminar was an impromptu, late-night performance, given by some guy I'd never heard of: Jimmy Fingers. He performed a close-up levitation, which he invented, and if he wasn't charging $1,500 for the gimmick, I'd be performing it, too."
 - Rick Lax, Las Vegas Weekly

"After I saw him do this, I went up to him, congratulated him on the BEST self-levitation there is. PERIOD. I even gave him a hug. I'm not a hugger, most of the time. But Jimmy's self-levitation is worth five hugs!"
 - Bill Palmer - Arguably, the world's foremost magic historian and academician

"The reaction to this levitation was one of pure astonishment... I was amazed at how wide the angle for this levitation was... I was one of the few people who Jimmy shared the secret with.  Let me say that this is genius if I ever saw it."
- Father Photius - Suspension and levitation expert





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