Dead Lock 心有锁属(心灵感应读心魔术)
什么是 Dead Lock心有锁属? Dead Lock心有属当初在2019年 Blackpool大上推出,并立即售罄.
那时起,对这款产品的需求一直很高,以至于每次后续交付都在它上架之前已经售罄,这使得它成为非常成功的Michael Murray产品!
使用定制制造的 Dead Lock心有锁属特殊门子,你将能够让你的参与者有能力真觉的具体四位数字组合,打开挂锁;或者您可以使用此
中号尺寸:28毫米 x 77毫米(高度包括卡扣)
*心灵大咖Michael Murray出品产品
注意: 该产品分美国版本(中国人也要选此版本)和世界版本二种. 什么是美国版本: 关于月份和日期,我们知道到美国的人日常记录月份和日期格式是: 即月/日("月"在前"日"在后的,而不是日/月格式 。
什么是世界版本: 凡是该国的人记录月份和日期格式是: 日/月 ("日"在前"月"在后的).
看到这 Dead Lock个你肯定会问Dead Lock和 Dream Lock的区别, Dead Lock 和Dream Lock相比于 Dream Lock更加地灵活,某一个
固定的数字,在 Dead Lock中是可以是实现自定义。所以相对实现的效果会更多,如果是需要一个心灵效果的话,这个是很不错的一款道具.
Dead Lock (Medium)
*It is recommended that those living in the United States order the US variant (see below for further information).
What is Dead Lock? Dead Lock was initially launched at the 2019 Blackpool convention and sold out immediately. Since then, demand for this product has been so high that each subsequent delivery has sold out before it has even hit the shelves thus making it the singular most successful MindFX release ever!
Using the custom manufactured Dead Lock gimmick you will be able to give your participant the ability to intuit the specific four digit combination that opens the padlock (supplied). Alternatively, you can use this lock to correctly intuit your participants exact date of birth, having them open the lock by entering this date as a four digit combination.
Note: Access to a 35 page e-book is included with purchase.
Size: Medium = 28mm x 77mm (height includes clasp)
What is the US Variant? When it comes to dates, we recognise that those in the US may prefer to have the participant enter the month before the day (i.e. month/day, rather than day/month format).
Due to the methodology behind this effect, we are very pleased to provide our US customers a month/day variant that facilitates this preference.
Note: Those living outside of the US should order the standard locks.
Demo: https://youtu.be/1J6MQs-loLk