皮筒与硬币(Cylinder and Coins) - 标准版
当这款道具的出现一切就不同了 我叫它“皮筒与硬币”。我想这个道具大家都不陌生吧。现在我们来看看这款产品的细节和配置吧。
硬币堆部分才是这款道具的关键部分,第一枚币与门子币的吸合力度简直太顺滑了,轻松拿起 绝对丝滑。四枚币堆并没有按照顺序对齐排列,错位摆放才是精髓所在。
标准版配置: 硬币堆一套 复刻行走女神币四枚 真皮制作皮筒一只 真皮制作皮垫一张 原木片2片 中文完整流程视频教学
Eric Mead在Fool Us上的表演––––经典“皮桶和硬币”的表演
Cylinder and Coins by Oliver Magic
There comes a point in time that most serious coin magicians will attempt to learn John Ramsay's famed Cylinder and Coins routine. The routine is one of Ramsay's most famous, and it is considered among magicians one of the most challenging routines to master.
Instead of being a simple penetration, Cylinder and Coins is a longer transposition routine, where a number of coins disappear from the hands, and appears inside a small cylinder on the table.
Now we created the most elegant and beautiful prop and highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for finest props available for the routine.
The cylinder and coaster are handmade with leather and sewn with waxed thread.
The stack is magnetic. The top coin can be shown to move around in any direction and even spread to a certain degree. It can be used as a 4 coin stack. The stack is made to look slightly askew on the outside which is more natural. The design is much more solid and elegant looking.
Available in 2 types,
Standard Set includes: 1 leather cylinder 1 leather coaster 1 gimmick stack 4 replica Walking Liberty Half Dollars 2 corks video instruction
Deluxe Set includes: all items in Standard Set and a Magician's Pro Wand
If you buy an Expanded Shell Walking Liberty Half Dollar together selecting the above option button,
you can perform such 4 Coins 1 Shell routine https://youtu.be/ZEKIWbcdyjE, with a bonus 4 Coins 1 Shell Set tutorial.