超级苏格兰硬币(磁性+密纹双重锁定装置) 经典行走套装
全球独创的“超级苏格兰硬币”(可检查的磁性苏格兰币升级版本)终于问世了!!由Oliver Magic 于2020年9月正式发布。
目前苏格兰硬币分为:手动挤压闭合双面币版本和磁力闭合双面币版本,这两种版本各有优缺点,手动版的演完可以让观众检查硬币,但不能在现场重新设定机关再玩其他流程。 磁力版的玩法流程更多,重置设定也较方便,但缺点是不能给观众完全检查。
现在国内外出售的半美金大小的磁性苏格兰硬币,基本上都是不能让观众检查的,因为双面币吸入币壳后,只要用手推动双面币的边缘,双面币就会旋转,单凭磁性是不能完全锁 定的,那就不能完美交给观众检查了。
- 移动变换(自备任何一个普通的小硬币就可以了,如人民币1角,五角都可以) - 穿越杯子2种玩法 - 消失的铜币(另外自备任何三个普通的硬币就可表演,该节目互动性特强) - 经典穿越
-全球独创磁力+密纹工艺锁定设计,可达到完美检查 -极速重置,不需要手动拍铝环来打开门子币 -自动闭合门子币,可在观众手中完成,效果更干净,操作更方便 -双面门子币与币壳高度精密闭合 -高性价比,生活化,无需手法即可表演 -拓展性强,可配合多种道具表演
全套产品包含: 特制行走女神美金五角壳一枚 特制美金墨西哥双面币一枚 墨西哥铜币一枚 手拉式强磁一枚 硬币大师范镇明的详细在线视频教学
另外特别赠送"Pocket Money by Wayne Dobson 口袋中的硬币消失" 的流程教学.如果你购买了超级苏格兰硬币,只要再自己准备4个任何的普通硬币,就可以玩这个流程了.
利用超级苏格兰硬币还可玩: "Pocket Money by Wayne Dobson 口袋中的硬币消失"的流程演示: 1. https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg0MDQ4NDk1Mg==.html 2. https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg0MDQ4ODkyOA==.html 3. https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg0MDU0NDg4OA==.html
Superior Scotch and Soda (Double Locking,Mexican Coin & Walking Liberty Half Dollar) by Oliver Magic - Classic Set
The world's original "Superior Scotch and Soda Coins" (Upgraded Perfect Examinable Magnetic Scotch and Soda ) has finally arrived!! Officially released by Oliver Magic in September 2020.
This is a super classic, practical coin magic prop that provides variable routines. It is highly recommended. It is also an indispensable classic coin prop for coin magic lovers.
Scotch and Soda has been invented for more than 50 years. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 60 various routines of Scotch and Soda. It is rare that a single prop has so many routines.
On the market, Scotch and Soda often has two types: manual squeeze and magnetic. These two types have their own advantages and disadvantages. After the performance of the manual type, the audience can check the coins, but the gimmick cannot be reset on site. The magnetic type has more routines and is easier to reset, but the disadvantage is that it cannot be fully checked by the audience, because the double-sided coin will rotate once the coin is pressed and pushed by hand. It cannot be completely locked by magnetism, so it cannot be handed over to the audience.
Based on the characteristics of the above two types of Scotch and Soda, we try to re-design and improve the prop. After half a year of improvement and test, we added ridges to avoid the rotation of the double-sided coin. In this way, this magnetic Scotch and Soda is finally improved to be examinable after performance.
We have selected several classic routines to show you. After these routines are performed , you do not need sleight to switch. All coins can be directly handed to the audience for complete inspection. It is a super practical prop which you can watch the performance in the video specifically. - Move and Change {Prepare one small regular coin by yourself.) - Coin thru Glass - Vanishing Copper Coin (In addtion,prepare any three regular coins by youeself and then you can perform.It is extremely interactive.) - Hopping Coin
Product Features: 1.The unique magnetic force and double locking design can achieve perfect inspection. 2. Reset quickly.You do not need to manually tap the aluminum ring to open the gimmick coin. 3.Automatic closure of the gimmick coin.It can be completed in the hands of the audience. The effect is cleaner and the operation is more convenient. 4. Double locking gimmick coin and shell are closed perfectly. 5. Cost-effective , life style and can be performed without sleight . 6. Strong expandability, it can cooperate with a variety of props in performance
Comes complete with: A special expanded shell of Walking Liberty Half Dollar A special double-sided coin (Mexican coin/Walking Liberty Half Dollar) A copper replica Mexican coin A strong magnet Detailed online video instruction