Destiny Deck 刘谦命运之牌(单车版)
Destiny Deck命运之牌究竟是怎样的一款纸牌道具,会被刘谦大师挑选为2018年台湾首演的开场魔术?
这么强大干净的效果还只是是Destiny Deck的基本操作,更可怕的是,魔术师还能让再来一次,依旧还是难以逃脱的命运。
Destiny Deck命运之牌,正如名字所言,观众难逃被掌控的命运。
作者耗费了四年多的时间去设计、改进,使它达到了更佳的水平。在全世界任何一场魔术大会中,Destiny Deck命运之牌都会瞬间一售而空。整套道具均采用凤凰公司特殊制作工艺,效果多样且操作简单,即使初学者也很容易上手。
Destiny Deck也得到了业内很高的评价:
David的想法真的很不可思议,他努力发挥自己的极限来完善这套魔术,并开发了很多的强大的效果。 —Juan Tamariz 在里米尼举办FISM的时候,David给我表演了他的Destiny Deck,我对David说:你不应该给我表演这个,你应该在比赛中表演这个。 —Pit Hartling
每一个想要完成真正魔术的魔术师都应该拥有一副Destiny Deck! —Dani DaOrtiz
我不知道怎么做到的,也不想知道是怎么做到的,这个魔术太棒了! —Jay Sankey
Destiny Deck是Card-Shark公司又一次推出的一款令人震惊的道具扑克牌,我是它的忠实大粉丝! —Joshua Jay
当我想到Destiny Deck时,我尽量努力不去嫉妒它,但是它真的太强大了,那么多很棒的效果全部建立在一副扑克牌上!对不起,我真的很嫉妒。 —Miguel Angel Gea
David Gonzalez将一个杰出的纸牌魔术创意带到了21世纪,他用先进的魔术想法创作了一副万能的扑克牌道具,让你可以演绎一个看似不可能的效果,Destiny Deck是纸牌魔术一个进步的飞跃! —Jörg Alexander
Destiny Deck by David Gonzalez (Bicycle)
This is a deck (not just a single effect) that was more than four years in the making to get it to this level of perfection.
You will get not just one trick but a collection of effects that are so strong, they stand by themselves! (Just do one of them for your audience and you will kill them!)
Please watch the videos and decide for yourself.
We recommend ordering two decks, as the "Destiny" routine itself is using the deck in New Deck Order while all the other routines are performed with a shuffled deck. (You certainly can resort the shuffled deck; but with two decks, you can dedicate the decks to different purposes.)
Comes with an Online DVD (in english and spanish) and a Repair Kit that will keep your Destiny Deck in good working condition even if you mishandled it. (All routines are constructed in a way that the preparation will not wear out by itself.)
Red Back Bicycle cards.
"David’s idea is amazing. With deep love and effort he managed to maximize the possibilities of this deck and developed many strong effects for it!" - Juan Tamariz
"When David showed me his Destiny Deck at FISM in Rimini, I said: You should not show it to me, you should do this in the competition! Amazing possibilities!" - Pit Hartling
"This deck has to be in the repertoire of any magician who wants to achieve a real impossibility!" - Dani DaOrtiz
"I have no idea how it is done and I do not want to know the secret. Wonderful!" - Jay Sankey
"David’s Destiny Deck is yet another exciting development in the realm of special playing cards released by Card-Shark. His applications are AMAZING and I’m a big fan of this principle!" - Joshua Jay
"I try to avoid being envious when thinking about the Destiny Deck, but it is so powerful, seems impossible, and has so much magic built into just a single deck of cards. It sucks! Sorry, that was envy." - Miguel Angel Gea
"David Gonzalez has taken a great principle of card magic and brought it into the 21st century. Using state of the art magic technology, he has created a versatile tool that allows you to perform stunning and seemingly impossible effects. The Destiny Deck is a giant leap in the evolution of card magic!" - Jörg Alexander
"I never have spent 80 Dollars for a deck of cards. But I will take two!" - Several magicians at conventions
DEMO: https://youtu.be/toS6ZNH5AmI