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上市日期 附加邮费】0.00 商品品牌
商品等级】精 品 商品型号 浏览次数】3101  
赠送】0 剩余数量】1570  会员商品】是 产品折扣】100%
市场价格160.00 会员价格】80.00 马上节省】80.00 非会员价】160.00


即时意念弯曲装置(Deformer) 心灵弯叉勺子钥匙


Bend Spoons (Spiral Twisting)
Bend, Twist & Break Forks --
Bend steel nails --
Bend, Twist & Break keys --

传奇弯曲金属大师URI GELLER评价:“这是我见过的樶神奇的金属弯曲工具。”
OX BENDER作者Menny Lindenfeld新版本弯曲道具,终极版即时弯曲&扭曲旋转工具。
· DEFORMER是一种金属弯曲工具,专门设计用于弯曲勺子、叉子、钥匙甚至钉子,弯曲成不可能的形状。
· DEFORMER的流程设计让实战中弯曲金属物体的变得更简单合理。
· DEFORMER合理地出现大家眼前。无需可以藏起来、增加或偷换的道具。可以完全集中注意力在表演上。
· DEFORMER可以在任何场合使用。即兴表演,近景,街头,舞台,无论你到哪里都可以随身带着随时表演。
· Menny Lindenfeld多年来的杰作,面对过无数观众进行实战表演。
· DEFORMER是由金属精密制作而成的高质量道具,可永久使用。
· DEFORMER将会是你的秘密武器,能把你的金属弯曲能力提升到全新的水平。
· 为Live Show表演而设计(也可以用于pre-show),无需准备,无需重设,便于随身携带,随时随地可表演,让你自由发挥弯曲的道具!







Deformer by Menny Lindenfeld

"DEFORMER™ by Menny Lindenfeld is the most amazing metal bending tool I have ever seen."

Menny Lindenfeld, the creator of the OX BENDER™, brings you DEFORMER™ - The ultimate LIVE SHOW BENDING & TWISTING tool.

DEFORMER™ is a new metal bending tool specifically designed for bending spoons, forks, keys and even nails, into impossible shapes - BENDS YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE BY HAND.

DEFORMER™ is designed for use during LIVE SHOW performances. And to make the bending of strong metal objects SUPER EASY.

DEFORMER™ hides in plain sight. There is nothing to conceal, add, ditch or switch. So you can focus 100% of your attention on presentation.

DEFORMER™ can be used anywhere. Use it impromptu, close up, walk-around, on the street, and on stage. Carry it with you everywhere you go. And It'll always be ready for you, to perform on-the-fly!

DEFORMER™ has been used by Menny Lindenfeld for many years and has been AUDIENCE-TESTED IN COUNTLESS LIVE- SHOW PERFORMANCES.

DEFORMER™ is a high quality, precision-made, metal gimmick, built to last a lifetime!

DEFORMER™ is your secret weapon, that will take your metal bending abilities to the next level.

Bend Spoons (Spiral Twisting) --

  • Easily BEND A PERFECTLY-STRAIGHT SPIRAL TWIST into the neck of a borrowed & signed spoon, under the noses of your spectators, DURING A LIVE PERFORMANCE.
  • A perfectly-straight spiral twist, allows for smooth animation, as the audience watches the spoon "actually" twisting.
  • You can also BEND MULTIPLE SPIRALS into a single spoon (3-4 spirals).

Bend, Twist & Break Forks --

  • During a live show performance, with almost NO EFFORT, TWIST THE TINES of a borrowed signed fork - into a SPIRAL CORKSCREW SHAPE. A bend that can hardly be achieved even with the use of pliers.
  • You can also BEND THE TINES to an IMPOSSIBLE 90 DEGREE ANGLE - at the CENTER OF EACH TINE - bend 90° to all directions; upwards, downwards or sideways.
  • Alternatively, bend the tines into an arc shape.
  • Bend two tines simultaneously.
  • Create a double bend ("S" shape) in a single tine.
  • Or use DEFORMER™ to easily break an unprepared fork's tine in half.

Bend steel nails --

  • Bend strong steel nails into a "HOOK" shape - to an impossible 20-120 degree angle.

Bend, Twist & Break keys --

  • Twist borrowed keys into a spiral shape.
  • Easily Break a key in half.
  • Or bend a key into an arc shape.

Other features;

  • High quality, precision-made metal gimmick - built to last a lifetime.
  • Designed for use during live show performances. (Can also be used pre-show).
  • Audience-tested In countless live shows.
  • Gimmick hides in plain sight!
  • Nothing to conceal, add or ditch.
  • No switches. No pulls. No sleeving.
  • Use it for impromptu, close up, walk-around, on the street & on stage.
  • No Preparations. No Reset. It's always be ready for you to perform-on-the-fly!
  • Hassle-free gimmick.
  • Easily carry DEFORMER™ with you everywhere you go!
  • Comes complete with gimmick + video tutorial (Download / Full HD 1080p / 150 minutes).

In the video tutorial Menny Lindenfeld will teach you:

  • Various methods & techniques for using DEFORMER™ for bending spoons, forks, nails & keys.
  • To bend a perfectly straight spiral twist into the neck of a singed spoon.
  • To bend multi spirals in a single spoon.
  • To bend a spiral twist into the tine of a borrowed signed fork.
  • To bend the tines of a borrowed signed fork into a 90° angle (all directions).
  • To bend the tines of a fork into an arc shape.
  • To create a double bend in a single tine ("S" shape).
  • To bend two tines simultaneously (double tine bend).
  • To prepare a fork, during a live show, for a tine break (x2 methods).
  • To create an arc shaped bend + tine twist + preparation for a break - in one continues motion (This prepares the fork for a 3 phase routine; Bending, Twisting & Breaking).
  • To bend the lower tip of the handle of both a fork & a spoon.
  • To bend strong steel nails to a 20°-120° angle.
  • To bend a signed key into an arc shape.
  • To twist a signed key into a corkscrew shape.
  • To break a signed key in half.
  • Performance methods for bending; spoons / forks / nails / keys.
  • Live stage performance + explanation.
  • And more...
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