Fism 2009 经典心灵魔术道具,
注:本品为消耗品.每套20张. 本道具属于专业心灵魔术道具,新手慎入
视频演示: http://my.tv.sohu.com/us/156622461/60057605.shtml?spm=a2h0k.11417342.soresults.dtitle
Numerologie - Charles Gauci
The latest mental effect from the creative mind of Charles Gauci!
Imagine...A performer hands two spectator's a Numerological numbered chart and a numbered scratch card. He asks each person to "mentally" select a number from the Numerological chart and then to scratch that same number on the corresponding scratch card. Upon doing so, the name of a city is revealed. Keep in mind, neither the audience nor the magician is aware of the number they choose or the city that was revealed when the spectator scratched the ticket!
The spectators mentally concentrate on their individual city and the performer "immediately" reveals the city that both were thinking of!
There is no force of the numbers. They only think of the city's name. No pumping. No questions are asked. Perform immediately after reading the instructions. Can be repeated each time with a different outcome. Terrific for close-up or stage. Wonderful impromptu effect.
Each packet contains 48 scratch cards. Refills available.
DEMO: https://youtu.be/WGV5nZ-d32E