四连环中国传统魔术项目, 表演者可以将随便取出两个环互相摩擦就可连接, 两个连接的环再一摩擦即可分开, 也可三环连一起, 最后可以四环都连接起来。 真是奥妙无穷, 神奇尽现。
金色四连环为镀金产品,漂亮,直径大,直径为11.3厘米。 市面上的一般为8-10厘米的环, 手大点还套不到手腕上, 这个可以完全顺利的套过去了。 附带金色布袋包装!尽显高贵品质! 附魔术道具教学光碟
Linking Rings 4 Rings Set (Gold)
A true classic of magic this amazing trick is well worth learning!!!!
You are supplied with a professional set of 4 rings complete with an easy to do Basic Routine that will be a welcome addition to your act.
A classsic of magic, where solid metal rings magically link and unlink.
Diameter: 11.3cm
Complete set of four stainless metal rings and detailed performance instructions.