魔术师找10名观众 每人拿出一个1元钞票 按照魔术师的方法叠好 把序号叠在里面看不到的地方 然后放进一个大袋子里(观众可以检查,完全有观众自己操作) 之后魔术师写下一个序号(这是预言效果,要是喜欢透视效果的就现在先不要写) 然后请一个观众拿出随便选出一个钞票放在这个透明盒子里面 让观众拿好 (透视的效果就在现在写出号码) 这时候 魔术师写下的数字序号和盒子里的钱一摸一样 这是大魔镜里面的表演 实际上还可以有很多很多种的表演方法 就要看你的创造了啦
Crystal Switch Box
A clear small plastic box that can AUTOMATICALLY switch any small paper!
Endless choices of effects can be done with this box. For example: you ask for paper money from a spectator (let's say a $20 bill), you tell him to fold it and place into the small clear box for safe keeping. The box, which is attached to a ribbon, then hangs around his neck in full view. You write a number on a large pad of paper. You ask the spectator to take the money from the box and to read the serial number of his bill, and amazingly, the number matches your written prediction!
Create almost any mind reading effect with this box!
Include instructions.
DEMO: https://youtu.be/YF0BLsLRxLM