Frozen In Time
The magician brings out a clear Plexiglass photo-block. Sealed inside the block is a photograph of a pocket watch. The photo-block is placed inside an opaque plastic cover by the magician and then set on the table. 魔术师拿出一个透明的玻璃的相框,里面有一张怀表的照片。怀表被一个不透明的塑料遮着,魔术师把相框放到桌子上。
The performer then has a spectator select any hour of the day, then announce that hour for all to hear. The choice is free and random (No force of any kind is used). 魔术师让观众随便说一天中的某个时间,然后大声说出这个时间以便大家都能听到。时间的选择完全是随机的,没有任何形式的强迫选择。
The clear photo-block is then removed from the cover. The audience is shown that the time on the pocket watch, the very time that the photo was taken, it is the exact time named by the spectator. The photo is shown all around. The spectators are asked to feel the surface and verify that it really is a photograph sealed inside. A photograph of a watch, set to their chosen time! 遮挡物被取下,观众看到了怀表上的时间,正是观众说的那个时间!魔术师让大家都能看到照片,并让观众触摸相框以证实照片确实被封装在相框里。一张怀表的照片,准确预测出了观众说出的时间!