魔术师拿出一份报纸,并卷成漏斗形状. 将杯中的牛奶倒进报纸中,奇怪的是牛奶居然不会从报纸的底部溢出. 当倒了半杯牛奶后,将报纸打开,报纸中的牛奶却不翼而飞,全场观众惊异不己.
Milk Pitcher (Stage Size)
A large ordinary looking pitcher filled with milk is shown. Casually you form a paper cone and pour the pitcher of milk into it. Instantly, YOU CRUSH THE CONE AND THROW IT INTO THE AUDIENCE! (It's fun to watch them duck!) Never fear, the milk that was in the paper cone has COMPLETELY VANISHED. But to prove you're working with the real thing, you pour the remaining milk from the pitcher into a glass. This self working miracle remains one of the best investments in magic.
Dimensional weight (shipment): 1.5kg Actual weight of the product: 0.6kg
DEMO: https://youtu.be/oVcjkK95GkU 备注说明视频演示