它不仅仅是一个魔术,更是向世纪经典致敬!Mona Lisa, 是意大利文艺复兴时期,知名画家列奥纳多·达·芬奇创作的油画,五百年来,蒙娜丽莎的微笑,令人心驰神往,浮想联翩,充满了神秘的力量。
今天,蒙娜丽莎将要以魔法师的身份和你并肩作战。试想一下,观众事先选择了一张牌,然后魔术师拿出一本“世界名画”的画册展示各种名画,让观众任意翻开一页记住,随后魔术师将一叠纸牌化为神笔,在空白的画板上“画”出了观众选择的那副画,不仅如此,还精准地预言出观众所选的那张扑克牌!如此优雅、神秘,充满美学的魔术,堪称极品,值得典藏,因为它本身就是一种美! 产品优势: - 双重预言 - 容易操作 - 两种选择牌,告别重复尴尬 - 无角度限制,可以被包围表演 - 互动性强 - 携带方便 - 适合各类场合的商业演出
Mona Lisa Magic Brush 2.0 by J.C Magic
It is not only a magic trick, but also a tribute to the classic painting Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa's smile is fascinating and full of mysterious power. Today, Mona Lisa will fight alongside you as a magician.
Just imagine, the spectator chooses a card and a painting in advance, and then the magician turns the stack of cards into a magic brush, and "draws" the spectator's chosen painting on a blank drawing board. Not only that, but also accurately predicts the card that the spectator chose. Such elegant, mysterious and aesthetic magic is the best and worthy of collection, because it is a kind of beauty in itself.
- Easy to do - No angle limit, can be performed surrounded - Interactive - Easy to carry
Size of frame: 45.5cm x 35cm
Comes with a frame, a deck, special cards, a picture album, accessories and instructional video.
Volumetric weight (shipment): 3.9kg Actual weight of the product: 1.64kg
Demo: https://youtu.be/-aaSyDrYPvs