魔术师拿出一个空瓶子,先给观众检查, 先任何机关.
然后当场装满水, 用手捂住瓶口向下, 接着把手放开,水居然不会流出来,观众可以从任何角度看哦! 魔术师又将一支牙签从瓶口塞入水了中,牙签向上浮起, 但水还是不会流出.
最后魔术师做一动作,水马上流出来了. 特别声明: 本产品为非胶水之类的损耗品,可反复使用。
Invisible Bottle Cap
Magician takes out a bottle that is empty. Check it to the audience.No gimmick. He fills the bottle with water, and puts his hand over its mouth,and keep mouth down.
When he removes his hand, the water is not out.
The audience can watch this perform from any perspective!
Magician inserts a toothpick from the mouth of the bottle.
The toothpick floats upwards, but the water will not flow out. Finally the magician does a gesture, and water flows out in a moment.
This product is not a glue item. It can be used repeatedly.
Whole products comes with: special gimmick and instruction paper.
Regular bottle needs to be prepared by yourself!
Demo: https://youtu.be/gXx8juF1nv8