Turbo Stick 指向游戏--超级箭头棒(简装版本)
Turbo Stick 是Richard Sanders 最新发明的作品,
那卖点是什麽? 卖点就是Turbo Stick 是一片可以自己创造程序的钻石棒,
当然Richard Sanders 也为魔术师们想好了几套流程了
视频演示地址: http://cloud.video.taobao.com//play/u/26508641/p/1/e/6/t/1/50030126100.mp4
Turbo Stick Gimmicks
Magician Leo Smetsers has produced a paddle that is made from 100% dry erase board. Whatever you write or draw on the paddle can immediately be wiped clean with your fingers. Draw anything on the paddle, transform it and then wipe it all clean in one swipe of the fingers. Turbo Stick allows you to perform almost any paddle trick...in one paddle!
In addition to the dry erase board paddle, you will also receive a training DVD explaining routines, ideas and concepts to use with your Turbo Stick:
Included: X 12 moments of wow in under a minute. X's vanish, appear, transpose and multiply in rapid succession ending with an amazing visual production of the marker that you used at the beginning of the effect. You start and end clean. This is the perfect opening effect for table hoppers and working pros.
Sponge Red dots appear, disappear and multiply, ending by watching one of the dots visibly transforming into a sponge ball, this is repeated with a second sponge in an even more visual fashion, leaving you perfectly clean at the end with everything examinable. The perfect visual eye candy intro to your sponge ball routine!
Name Game Letters drawn on the Turbo Stick, begin to vanish and rearrange themselves, ending with the letters visibly transforming into the spectator's very own name! Once again, everything is immediately wiped clean, leaving you clean and immediately reset for another performance!
Any Time Hot Rod Draw any six objects on your Turbo Stick and have the spectator choose one. The magic starts to happen when the objects start to vanish, one by one, leaving you with only their selected object. As a crazy kicker, the paddle immediately becomes filled with their selected object one both sides! One swipe of your fingers and everything wipes away clean to end!
PLUS: Amazing production ideas, alternative endings, tips and more!
Turbo Stick, the paddle trick redefined!
Note: not include DVD.
"If you asked me, prior to watching this DVD, would I consider adding the Paddle Trick to my professional corporate walk around work I would have screamed NO! After all it’s a kids trick right?? WRONG!! Leo Smetsers and Richard Sanders have released a Paddle stick and routine that makes the perfect opener routine for walk around. The premise is fantastic as they use it as an ‘eye’ test prior to the magic performance, however, there is so much visual and eye popping magic that it makes a great ice-breaker for any magician. The finale where a pen is pulled from the paddle is a great kicker and gives a nice punch to the standard paddle trick. This would also be great for a kids performer as they teach a sponge ball routine where you draw red dots on the paddle, which ‘pop’ right off and become sponge balls. Perfect for walk-around and table work. This DVD comes with the white board paddle, which of course can be examined. It is made to last and fits right in your pocket. The paddle move is really easy to learn, and this item is perfect for any magician of any level, including full time pros. Actually I can see this going in to the act of many working professionals. This DVD is an hour long and teaches all the moves you’ll need plus various routines. My highest recommendation would be to say this has changed my view completely on ‘The Paddle Trick’, and I am now going to be learning this and adding it to my own walk-about shows." - Paul Romhany, *Reviews Vanish Magazine