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商品名称】读心术(Psypher by Robert Smith)
上市日期 附加邮费】0.00 商品品牌
商品等级】精 品 商品型号】YY297 浏览次数】5388  
赠送】0 剩余数量】1576  会员商品】是 产品折扣】100%
市场价格185.00 会员价格】65.00 马上节省】120.00 非会员价】185.00


2010 读心术(Psypher by Robert Smith)

天才魔术师Robert Smith现在又将为大家奉上他的又一心灵力作--Psypher!绝对能让心灵魔术爱好者如虎添翼!试想一下,轻装简阵走在街头,随意选取一位观众,不用托不用强迫选择,让他在脑海里想任意的牌.数字.甚至人名等,然后写下来藏好,全程魔术师都可背过身去,但依然可以感应出他心中所想!魔术界被高度赞颂的心灵魔术利器


作者Robert Smith独家分享该道具的六套表演流程!表演者还可发挥各自的想象力,创造出更多让观众尖叫的效果!






Psypher by Robert Smith and Paper Crane Productions


Robert Smith and Paper Crane Magic proudly present Psypher. Psypher is the highly acclaimed product, Universal Impression, but bigger, better and stronger. Imagine knowing what anyone is thinking at anytime. ANY word, picture, card, or thought is written by a spectator and you know what it is, without ever coming near them!

Here's what you get:

More material
More options, a larger gimmick for you to work with. (Twice as much as the original UI)

Stronger gimmick
Custom made to work 20% better than the original.

A business card wallet
Most peek wallets cost twice the amount of this entire package alone. You're getting one free... and guess what? This blows any peek wallet out of the water! Why? Because you never touch the business card after they write on it.

New Routines
Psypher is extremely easy to use but throw in some basic card technique and routining from B. Smith and your levels of deception and impact just went up a few notches. Of course if you want to sit back and let the gimmick do all the work go right ahead, that's what it's here for! Here are some of the routines taught on the DVD:

E-Z - This effect is one of the most pure mentalism effects conceivable with a deck of cards. Your spectator is asked to think of ANY card in the deck, write it down on a piece of paper, and put that piece of paper in their pocket. All of which is done while your back is turned; you can even be in another room! When you return, you remove the cards from the box and place one face down card on the table. Ask the spectator to name the card they are merely thinking of... the spectator turns the card over and it is the thought of card!! Card magic doesn't get any more powerful!

Time zone - Imagine a spectator thinks of a time, a second spectator removes 3 cards from the deck, when the thought of time is named the second spectator reveals her cards... you guessed it, the value of the cards match the thought of time!

Name and Card Routine - This is B. Smiths killer card routine with multiple, impossible climaxes! Imagine not only being able to know the card someone is thinking of, but also know when they THINK 'stop' while dealing through the deck. Not only do you tell them when they thought stop, you now tell them what card they are thinking of. Not only do you tell them what card they are thinking of, you have them turn over the card they mentally stopped at and it is the thought of card! Not only do you do all that, you now have them think of a person that is important in their life and without any words you reveal the name of that person! This exciting and powerful 4-5 minute routine lacks no down time and is worth way more than the price of this kit. In fact, this is what B. Smith would close his shows with all over the world. (When he's not crying tears of blood)

Business Card Wallet - You can do anything you want with this, all while handing out your business cards! This is invaluable for the working magician. Imagine impressing a potential client by having them think of anything (name, word, picture, ANYTHING!) and having them write it on your business card and put it in their pocket all while you are turned away. Now imagine the astonishment when you reveal that thought! You've just given them a story to tell for the rest of their lives, along with proof for them to keep and show others, which happens to be YOUR business card with YOUR contact information on it. Psypher pays for itself!

Plus - Three additional routines, psychology, performance tips, peeks and more!!

Let's face it, this isn't just a DVD or just a Gimmick, this is an entire MENTALISM KIT with endless possibilities. Why pay close to $100 for one peek wallet that's less impressive when you can have a business card wallet, gimmicked card box, or an impression pad, along with a DVD full of ideas and routines all of this for only $40!!

Running Time Approximately: 93min

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