可以单张表演 ,也可以三张牌一起表演,可玩出许多效果.
在台上竖放着三张大型扑克, 一张 K, 两张 Q, 魔术师与观众进行三牌术游戏, 将牌反转, 洗匀, 然后叫观众猜 K 的位置, 观众数次也猜错. 魔术师当着观众将一张 Q 拿走, 进行较容易的二牌术游戏, 观众再次猜错, 因为台上两张全都是 Q, 之前拿走了的 Q 却变成了 K, 令人拍案叫绝.
Automatic Three Card Monte - Giant, Plastic (45*30cm)
This is an almost automatic version of the 3 Card Monte effect, originally performed with years of practice, using sleights, as a betting game.
This version uses jumbo cards, thereby implying to the audience that no sleights are involved. It also makes the item suitable for stage or platform use.
In effect, performer shows three cards, say two black Kings and one red Queen. Cards are turned backs towards audience, and mixed, and a spectator invited to find the queen. No matter which card he selects, he always gets one of the black kings, and one of the other two cards proves to be the queen.
The apparatus we supply for this item comprises of three special laminated jumbo cards, which are mechanical in working, leaving you very little to do except concentrate on the presentation. Besides the Monte effect, you could also perform some other amazing effects with this apparatus. Measurements: 45 cm x 30 cm
DEMO: https://youtu.be/jblD87b-X7E